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This is the current Hacker News Front Page, with some additional performance stats. Click on the colorful stats below each story to see detailed historical charts. Click here for additional ranking algorithms
key: ×UpvoteRate (?)   rankDelta (?)
  1. The Tube Computer (thetubecomputer.com)
    ×1.17 5 | 94 points by elvis70 3 hours ago | 29 comments | ??? ???
  2. Intel announces Arc B-series "Battlemage" discrete graphics with Linux support (phoronix.com)
    ×3.07 2 | 182 points by rbanffy 4 hours ago | 344 comments | ??? ???
  3. Egoless Engineering (egoless.engineering)
    ×2.16 4 | 35 points by mcfunley 1 hour ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  4. FTC takes action against Gravy Analytics, Venntel for selling location data (ftc.gov)
    ×2.00 15 | 18 points by gnabgib 1 hour ago | 23 comments | ??? ???
  5. Skia Canvas: Browserless implementation of the HTML Canvas drawing API for node (skia-canvas.org)
    ×1.43 7 | 120 points by DaniAkash 5 hours ago | 51 comments | ??? ???
  6. Show HN: I built an AI tool to analyze SEC filings the minute they're released (docdelta.ca)
    ×1.46 7 | 36 points by docdeltaneer 2 hours ago | 30 comments | ??? ???
  7. My brand new digitizing workflow using a 25 year old film scanner (vladovince.com)
    ×1.01 15 | 48 points by williamsmj 5 hours ago | 23 comments | ??? ???
  8. Openlayer (YC S21) is looking for top-tier design engineers (ycombinator.com)
    56 minutes ago | discuss | ??? ???
  9. Amazon Nova (amazon.com)
    ×3.98 8 | 183 points by scbenet 3 hours ago | 64 comments | ??? ???
  10. Tweaking Stunt Island's 30-year-old 3D engine (annali.netlify.app)
    ×1.00 5 | 156 points by alberto-m 8 hours ago | 35 comments | ??? ???
  11. Launch HN: Vocera (YC F24) – Testing and Observability for Voice AI
    ×0.54 24 | 40 points by Sid45 6 hours ago | 17 comments | ??? ???
  12. Phishers Love New TLDs Like .shop, .top and .xyz (krebsonsecurity.com)
    ×1.35 21 | 78 points by todsacerdoti 8 hours ago | 116 comments | ??? ???
  13. Text Editing Hates You Too (2019) (lord.io)
    ×2.59 8 | 61 points by airstrike 2 hours ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  14. Dependency management fatigue, or why I ditched React for Go+HTMX+Templ (erodriguez.de)
    ×2.66 13 | 123 points by todsacerdoti 9 hours ago | 115 comments | ??? ???
  15. Lessons I learned working at an art gallery (henrikkarlsson.xyz)
    ×2.14 16 | 406 points by bkudria 18 hours ago | 156 comments | ??? ???
  16. EstyJS 2.0 (emulator for the Atari ST, written in 100% pure JavaScript) (kaiec.github.io)
    ×0.72 10 | 15 points by nynyny7 2 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  17. MyTimeMachine: Personalized Facial Age Transformation (mytimemachine.github.io)
    ×0.57 19 | 23 points by surprisetalk 4 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  18. Student rocket group shatters amateur space record (usc.edu)
    ×1.89 22 | 225 points by wallflower 17 hours ago | 198 comments | ??? ???
  19. On-scalp printing of personalized electroencephalography e-tattoos (cell.com)
    ×0.92 32 | 30 points by bookofjoe 7 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  20. The Curse of Markdown (codehike.org)
    ×1.88 4 | 75 points by pomber 6 hours ago | 67 comments | ??? ???
  21. What does LETTER. do in LISTRD in FAP from 196x? (google.com)
    ×2.59 7 | 12 points by abrax3141 1 hour ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  22. California teacher dies from suspected rabid bat bite (ktla.com)
    ×2.08 1 | 36 points by LinuxBender 4 hours ago | 55 comments | ??? ???
  23. Stephen King to shut down his 3 radio stations in Maine (nytimes.com)
    ×2.11 21 | 62 points by tintinnabula 1 hour ago | 88 comments | ??? ???
  24. ‘With brain preservation, nobody has to die’ (theguardian.com)
    ×1.84 1 | 65 points by bookofjoe 6 hours ago | 253 comments | ??? ???
  25. DuckDuckGo donates $25k to the Perl and Raku Foundation (perl.com)
    ×2.88 16 | 209 points by oalders 6 hours ago | 117 comments | ??? ???
  26. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (December 2024)
    ×1.73 38 | 356 points by whoishiring 1 day ago | 344 comments | ??? ???
  27. MTA's A.I. bus cameras issue mistaken parking violations (nbcnewyork.com)
    ×1.49 9 | 51 points by croes 4 hours ago | 46 comments | ??? ???
  28. Vintage digicams are an artistic statement (arstechnica.com)
    ×0.99 37 | 85 points by Tomte 15 hours ago | 162 comments | ??? ???
  29. Amazon Aurora DSQL (amazon.com)
    ×3.25 19 | 116 points by aws_hero 4 hours ago | 73 comments | ??? ???
  30. South Korean president declares martial law, parliament votes to lift it (apnews.com)
    ×7.91 27 | 518 points by Inocez 8 hours ago | 545 comments | ??? ???
  31. AI poetry is indistinguishable from human poetry and is rated more favorably (nature.com)
    ×2.34 1 | 58 points by lr0 6 hours ago | 103 comments | ??? ???
  32. Rust in QEMU Roadmap (kernel.org)
    ×1.74 22 | 206 points by todsacerdoti 20 hours ago | 113 comments | ??? ???
  33. 'I'm running a Mud so I can learn C programming ' (1993) (raw.githubusercontent.com)
    ×1.73 4 | 88 points by DyslexicAtheist 8 hours ago | 73 comments | ??? ???
  34. Why Did Intel Fire CEO Pat Gelsinger? (semiaccurate.com)
    ×3.14 13 | 5 points by RachelF 10 minutes ago | discuss | ??? ???
  35. Fish have a brain microbiome – could humans have one too? (quantamagazine.org)
    ×1.50 27 | 320 points by rbanffy 1 day ago | 125 comments | ??? ???
  36. Show HN: Copper – Open-source robotics in Rust with deterministic log replay (github.com/copper-project)
    ×0.95 30 | 154 points by gbin 20 hours ago | 34 comments | ??? ???
  37. Distributed Erlang (vereis.com)
    ×1.85 18 | 170 points by todsacerdoti 19 hours ago | 57 comments | ??? ???
  38. Show HN: My party game where AI decides if you’re funny (playsnatched.com)
    ×1.08 21 | 75 points by __cayenne__ 13 hours ago | 39 comments | ??? ???
  39. Rewrite Git history via drag-and-drop (retcon.app)
    ×1.34 10 | 56 points by surprisetalk 9 hours ago | 86 comments | ??? ???
  40. World Labs: Generate 3D worlds from a single image (worldlabs.ai)
    ×2.60 13 | 457 points by dmarcos 1 day ago | 133 comments | ??? ???
  41. DSQL Vignette: Aurora DSQL, and a Personal Story (brooker.co.za)
    ×1.48 37 | 5 points by daigoba66 3 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  42. An English castle became a stork magnet (bbc.com)
    ×0.75 34 | 65 points by ohjeez 15 hours ago | 14 comments | ??? ???
  43. Amazon Announces Supercomputer, New Server Powered by Homegrown AI Chips (wsj.com)
    ×1.83 46 | 6 points by wallflower 4 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  44. We switched from Next.js to Astro (and why it might interest you) (datocms.com)
    ×2.39 28 | 118 points by steffoz 6 hours ago | 100 comments | ??? ???
  45. Every board game rulebook is awful [pdf] (google.com)
    ×2.45 22 | 321 points by sgbeal 1 day ago | 268 comments | ??? ???
  46. Learn perfect pitch in 15 years (moderndescartes.com)
    ×1.71 31 | 144 points by yuppiemephisto 23 hours ago | 132 comments | ??? ???
  47. The Last Viridian Note (2008) (viridiandesign.org)
    ×0.40 44 | 17 points by kerkeslager 9 hours ago | 16 comments | ??? ???
  48. First ice-free day in the Arctic Ocean could come before 2030 (gu.se)
    ×2.68 14 | 5 points by geox 52 minutes ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  49. Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (December 2024)
    ×1.24 41 | 162 points by whoishiring 1 day ago | 356 comments | ??? ???
  50. Show HN: Flow – A dynamic task engine for building AI agents (github.com/lmnr-ai)
    ×1.38 29 | 147 points by skull8888888 1 day ago | 47 comments | ??? ???
  51. Evidence of the use of silk by Bronze Age civilization (nature.com)
    ×0.90 37 | 158 points by geox 1 day ago | 61 comments | ??? ???
  52. Bioluminescent wood using the white rot fungus desarmillaria tabescens (wiley.com)
    ×0.86 40 | 126 points by gnabgib 1 day ago | 25 comments | ??? ???
  53. Walmart buys vizio to use its TVs as a new way to blast you with ads (gizmodo.com)
    ×1.42 14 | 7 points by rntn 1 hour ago | discuss | ??? ???
  54. Show HN: Open-sourced (road) traffic counting application (github.com/asfarley)
    ×0.95 30 | 101 points by asfarley 22 hours ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  55. Ask HN: Why did no one save the Living Computers museum in Seattle?
    ×2.20 41 | 58 points by superconduct123 3 hours ago | 61 comments | ??? ???
  56. Show HN: High School Student's First App – NWS Weather Report (weatherreportnow.com)
    ×1.09 29 | 58 points by Orcazephyr 17 hours ago | 21 comments | ??? ???
  57. The world of Dante's Divine Comedy (lithub.com)
    ×1.04 41 | 107 points by lermontov 1 day ago | 53 comments | ??? ???
  58. Stripe Black Friday Dashboard (Physical Machine) (stripe.com)
    ×0.93 12 | 38 points by oli5679 11 hours ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  59. A better approach to gravity: how we made EGM2008 faster (elodin.systems)
    ×0.88 38 | 84 points by sphw 1 day ago | 22 comments | ??? ???
  60. Kenya and "the decline of the greatest coffee" (2021) (christopherferan.com)
    ×1.41 20 | 205 points by sebg 1 day ago | 202 comments | ??? ???
  61. Optimality of Gerver's Sofa (arxiv.org)
    ×1.13 22 | 119 points by petters 1 day ago | 33 comments | ??? ???
  62. Murderbot, she wrote (wired.com)
    ×2.26 19 | 223 points by lastdong 1 day ago | 161 comments | ??? ???
  63. Show HN: SeekStorm – open-source sub-millisecond search in Rust (github.com/SeekStorm)
    ×2.50 19 | 214 points by wolfgarbe 1 day ago | 53 comments | ??? ???
  64. Broadcom loses another big VMware customer (theregister.com)
    ×2.47 53 | 135 points by belter 5 hours ago | 96 comments | ??? ???
  65. 8 months of OCaml after 8 years of Haskell in production (2023) (chshersh.com)
    ×2.12 19 | 246 points by droideqa 19 hours ago | 242 comments | ??? ???
  66. Accelerated AI Inference via Dynamic Execution Methods (arxiv.org)
    ×0.77 34 | 64 points by PaulHoule 22 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  67. Ethiopian wolves reported to feed on nectar (ox.ac.uk)
    ×1.03 34 | 74 points by thunderbong 1 day ago | 22 comments | ??? ???
  68. A federal policy change in the 1980s created the modern food desert (theatlantic.com)
    ×4.21 31 | 77 points by zdw 1 day ago | 96 comments | ??? ???
  69. Restaurant Menu Tricks (2020) (bbc.com)
    ×1.29 56 | 109 points by holotrope 1 day ago | 93 comments | ??? ???
  70. KlongPy: High-Performance Array Programming in Python (github.com/briangu)
    ×0.99 34 | 122 points by cl3misch 1 day ago | 73 comments | ??? ???
  71. What happens if we remove 50 percent of Llama? (neuralmagic.com)
    ×1.78 31 | 220 points by BUFU 1 day ago | 130 comments | ??? ???
  72. Ask HN: Payment processing for micro SaaS outside USA?
    ×0.74 28 | 49 points by 101008 8 hours ago | 41 comments | ??? ???
  73. Facebook's Little Red Book (map.cv)
    ×5.19 30 | 479 points by heshiebee 1 day ago | 252 comments | ??? ???
  74. OrioleDB beta7: Benchmarks (orioledb.com)
    ×2.47 39 | 129 points by oliverrice 1 day ago | 14 comments | ??? ???
  75. Unlocking the power of time-series data with multimodal models (research.google)
    ×1.25 12 | 125 points by alach11 1 day ago | 26 comments | ??? ???
  76. Advent of Code 2024 (adventofcode.com)
    ×5.65 7 | 1331 points by thinkingemote 2 days ago | 533 comments | ??? ???
  77. Kolmogorov Complexity, and the Role of Inductive Biases in Machine Learning (arxiv.org)
    ×1.39 4 | 9 points by rntn 4 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  78. Chicago's State Capacity Crisis (citythatworks.substack.com)
    ×1.74 21 | 11 points by paulpauper 4 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  79. The Sperry Rand Corporation (abortretry.fail)
    ×0.83 33 | 69 points by rbanffy 1 day ago | 31 comments | ??? ???
  80. The Rock VX Gas Canister Build (2022) (therpf.com)
    ×1.06 25 | 115 points by 882542F3884314B 1 day ago | 56 comments | ??? ???
  81. Two decades after Enron's bankruptcy, the company is back as a crypto firm? (arstechnica.com)
    ×2.36 44 | 73 points by pseudolus 9 hours ago | 63 comments | ??? ???
  82. MPTA Finds Evidence of Gravitational Wave Background (spaceaustralia.com)
    ×0.88 45 | 19 points by raattgift 20 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  83. Forced to upgrade (bearblog.dev)
    ×2.63 23 | 174 points by SpookyChoice 1 day ago | 287 comments | ??? ???
  84. U.S. officials say they still have not expelled Chinese telco hackers (washingtonpost.com)
    ×2.99 54 | 4 points by howard941 16 minutes ago | discuss | ??? ???
  85. Lockheed Martin challenges narrative on GPS vulnerability – SpaceNews (spacenews.com)
    ×1.24 10 | 7 points by rbanffy 3 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  86. FizzBuzz in Powerchords (tehruhn.github.io)
    ×0.79 21 | 31 points by atemyipod 18 hours ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  87. Chinese hack of global telecom providers is 'ongoing,' officials warn (politico.com)
    ×2.89 45 | 5 points by c420 1 hour ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  88. .NET Support on Heroku (heroku.com)
    ×2.11 5 | 79 points by runesoerensen 21 hours ago | 51 comments | ??? ???
  89. My domain registrar (DNSimple) tried to 5x the cost of my reseller plan (watilo.com)
    ×2.56 72 | 81 points by corywatilo 5 hours ago | 48 comments | ??? ???
  90. Show HN: Automate your studio – mute a mixer channel to turn your PTZ camera (github.com/KopiasCsaba)
    ×0.69 20 | 60 points by kcsaba2 1 day ago | 16 comments | ??? ???