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This is the current Hacker News "Show HN" Page. The estimated ×upvoteRate (?) is shown next to each story: click on it to see charts of the story's rank, upvotes, and upvoteRate history.
  1. Show HN: Patchwork – Open-source framework to automate development gruntwork (github.com/patched-codes)
    ×1.00 #20 | 53 points by rohansood15 6 hours ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  2. Show HN: Ray Tracing in One Weekend v4.0.0 (raytracing.github.io)
    ×2.27 #47 | 41 points by hollasch 5 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  3. Show HN: Word Slicer (wordslicer.com)
    ×1.14 #48 | 38 points by NoArcher888 14 hours ago | 31 comments | ??? ???
  4. Show HN: Slab – A programmable markup language for generating HTML (slab-lang.org)
    ×0.86 #57 | 31 points by thu 15 hours ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  5. Show HN: I built a tool to expand your network (that introverts will love) (moreoverlap.com)
    ×2.76 #63 | 199 points by jbrueck 2 days ago | 34 comments | ??? ???
  6. Show HN: Haystack – an IDE for exploring and editing code on an infinite canvas (haystackeditor.com)
    ×2.51 #71 | 501 points by akshaysg 1 day ago | 188 comments | ??? ???
  7. Show HN: Check Your Mouthbreathing with MediaPipe (mouthbreathing.pages.dev)
    ×0.77 | 2 points by jcmp 5 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  8. Show HN: Wat – Deep inspection of Python objects (github.com/igrek51)
    ×1.88 #85 | 363 points by igrek51 1 day ago | 88 comments | ??? ???
  9. Show HN: Symbols > We are building Figma for developers (framer.website)
    ×0.48 | 2 points by joshsymbols 6 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  10. Show HN: ClifferBasic, a simple BASIC interpreter as a .NET REPL (github.com/paulmooreparks)
    ×0.55 | 21 points by paulmooreparks 1 day ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  11. Show HN: Tiny Moon – Swift library to calculate the moon phase (github.com/mannylopez)
    ×0.71 | 99 points by mannylopez 1 day ago | 34 comments | ??? ???
  12. Show HN: Hyve Tile, a puzzle game but I can't solve it (itch.io)
    ×0.80 | 3 points by yunusefendi52 10 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  13. Show HN: Create diagrams of complex data flows in software systems (github.com/jodigiordano)
    ×0.56 | 2 points by j0d1 10 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  14. Show HN: Hooper – AI-driven stats and highlights for basketball play (hooper.gg)
    ×0.97 | 117 points by grub007 2 days ago | 37 comments | ??? ???
  15. Show HN: NoteTech – Create personal automations by writing notes (simpltech.ai)
    ×1.07 | 125 points by kenstler 2 days ago | 33 comments | ??? ???
  16. Show HN: Open source AI data analyst locally using CLI (github.com/databrainhq)
    ×2.01 | 6 points by rpm33 11 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  17. Show HN: Convert HTML DOM to semantic markdown for use in LLMs (github.com/romansky)
    ×1.11 | 145 points by leroman 3 days ago | 54 comments | ??? ???
  18. Show HN: Briefer – Multiplayer notebooks with schedules, SQL, and built-in LLMs (briefer.cloud)
    ×1.39 | 261 points by lucasfcosta 3 days ago | 71 comments | ??? ???
  19. Show HN: LogoMVP – Generate quick, professional logos for your MVP (logomvp.com)
    ×1.03 | 27 points by lentesdev 1 day ago | 16 comments | ??? ???
  20. Show HN: Zerox – Document OCR with GPT-mini (github.com/getomni-ai)
    ×1.81 | 240 points by themanmaran 3 days ago | 94 comments | ??? ???
  21. Show HN: My spin on a crossword-style game (alphabetclues.com)
    ×2.58 | 7 points by almara 19 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  22. Show HN: Voluntarily add warning labels to social media websites (github.com/pierotofy)
    ×1.02 | 26 points by mrwyz 2 days ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  23. Show HN: I made simple and cheap log monitoring (monitro.dev)
    ×1.82 | 6 points by sansjack 1 day ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  24. Show HN: 40M embeddings to find who knows what on HN (wilsonl.in)
    ×5.80 | 30 points by wilsonzlin 3 days ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  25. Show HN: Voice Out – Text-to-speech to read any webpage, Google Doc, or PDF (voiceout.app)
    ×1.12 | 4 points by anilshanbhag 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  26. Show HN: ChainFactory – Run Structured LLM Inference with Easy Parallelism (github.com/pankajgarkoti)
    ×2.14 | 7 points by garkotipankaj 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  27. Show HN: Lisp in C# (github.com/codr7)
    ×1.15 | 144 points by codr7 4 days ago | 67 comments | ??? ???
  28. Show HN: Free – Fastest Way of ReactNative to AppStores with GitHub Actions (be.plus)
    ×1.42 | 5 points by igorlamos 1 day ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  29. Show HN: Magic Color Picker (text2color.com)
    ×1.38 | 5 points by martingrows 1 day ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  30. Show HN: A personalised AI tutor with < 1s voice responses (cerebrium.ai)
    ×2.01 | 69 points by za_mike157 2 days ago | 24 comments | ??? ???
  31. Show HN: Simulated (AI Based) User Testing [Open Source] (github.com/Dream-Dimension)
    ×0.66 | 3 points by dreamdimension 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  32. Show HN: Habit-tracking app with GitHub-style grids (getchecker.app)
    ×1.97 | 10 points by harmash 2 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  33. Show HN: Finetune Llama-3.1 2x faster in a Colab (google.com)
    ×3.36 | 16 points by danielhanchen 3 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  34. Show HN: Simple headless, serverless, static, git-based CMS (github.com/aarreedd)
    ×1.10 | 4 points by aarreedd 1 day ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  35. Show HN: NetFabric – next-gen network monitoring solution (netfabric.ai)
    ×0.94 | 6 points by pentab 1 day ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  36. Show HN: OpenDataCapture an electronic data capture platform for data collection (github.com/DouglasNeuroInformatics)
    ×0.44 | 61 points by gdevenyi 4 days ago | 14 comments | ??? ???
  37. Show HN: Msgdrop – Test emails, webhooks and 2FA using a simple API (msgdrop.io)
    ×0.77 | 4 points by dustedcodes 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  38. Show HN: Tool analyzes your running automatically on Strava. Powered by AI (running-note-ai.web.app)
    ×0.44 | 2 points by xookeee 1 day ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  39. Show HN: React Native Finisher Kit That'll Automate All the Complex Stuff (be.plus)
    ×0.97 | 12 points by igorlamos 3 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  40. Show HN: Dynamically loaded extensions in Postgres in the browser (lantern.dev)
    ×1.08 | 2 points by diqi 11 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  41. Show HN: Slide the daily word into the bottom row or: Caesar's 20-puzzle (shuffdle.com)
    ×0.98 | 2 points by romes 2 days ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  42. Show HN: Compile Erlang to WASM and run as HTTP/incoming-handler (github.com/muromec)
    ×0.84 | 31 points by Muromec 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  43. Show HN: I built a client side Chrome extension to manage your ChatGPT prompts (promptzilla.xyz)
    ×0.98 | 4 points by devrob 3 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  44. Show HN: OCaml-like pattern-matching with vanilla JavaScript (no transpiler)
    ×0.96 | 3 points by aylmao 2 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  45. Show HN: Pairing LLM code generation with traditional templates (github.com/mify-io)
    ×0.57 | 4 points by mifydev 2 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  46. Show HN: SchemaFlow – A New Way to Handle Database Migrations (github.com/f-prime)
    ×0.63 | 3 points by max0563 2 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  47. Show HN: Unsearch, an open source alternative to Google Chrome Sync (github.com/unsearchapp)
    ×2.73 | 8 points by __alberto 2 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  48. Show HN: I built an AI-powered professional headshot generator (quickheadshots.com)
    ×0.97 | 5 points by hn_7 4 days ago | 8 comments | ??? ???
  49. Show HN: Collection of YC Demo Day Pitches (heystartup.com)
    ×1.07 | 5 points by pyromaker 2 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  50. Show HN: VS Code Extension to skip the noisy web tools (JSON Prettify, and more) (visualstudio.com)
    ×1.38 | 24 points by itsharveenatwal 3 days ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  51. Show HN: GenZD, a port of GZDoom for iOS, available on the App Store (apple.com)
    ×0.92 | 4 points by harakari 2 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  52. Show HN: Letterform – Minimalist publishing platform based on Markdown (letterform.app)
    ×3.61 | 9 points by chriskkim 3 days ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  53. Show HN: Track live mentions of any keyword on any forum + Twitter (forumscout.app)
    ×3.73 | 6 points by joshwaller7 3 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  54. Show HN: Bombtag: a time-delayed replacement for killall in 128 lines of C++ (github.com/fxtentacle)
    ×2.27 | 3 points by fxtentacle 3 days ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  55. Show HN: Healer – On-demand AI clinicians in your pocket 24/7 (tryhealer.com)
    ×2.88 | 2 points by kukasmog 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  56. Show HN: Formula 1, 2, 3 and E Weather updates (motorsportsinfo.app)
    ×1.05 | 4 points by DevelopedByAlex 3 days ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  57. Show HN: Preprocessor I've been working 4 years now (npmjs.com)
    ×0.46 | 2 points by mopires 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  58. Show HN: Top GitHub Repositories browser with a book like Markdown reading UX (githubreader.org)
    ×0.45 | 2 points by agdaily 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  59. Show HN: We made glhf.chat – run almost any open-source LLM, including 405B (glhf.chat)
    ×1.54 | 157 points by reissbaker 3 days ago | 90 comments | ??? ???
  60. Show HN: SwimOS Rust – A framework for real-time streaming data applications (github.com/swimos)
    ×1.88 | 6 points by swimos 3 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  61. Show HN: Asstrace – tampering-first strace-like tool (github.com/bieganski)
    ×0.51 | 2 points by bieganski 3 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  62. Show HN: Explore unfiltered NSFW character AI chats with Soga (soga.gg)
    ×0.80 | 4 points by sergiuchiriac 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  63. Show HN: Unblock.Domains – Never get stuck on a domain blacklist again (unblock.domains)
    ×1.61 | 6 points by ben_makes_stuff 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  64. Show HN: Create gamified bite-sized lessons using AI (getdera.com)
    ×0.47 | 2 points by hchua 4 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  65. Show HN: Bento, a Sampler and Sequencer for the web (it's really good) (bento.party)
    ×1.70 | 6 points by sorrythanks 4 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  66. Show HN: Lightweight AI Photoshop for Marketers and Creators (rainforest.zone)
    ×0.24 | 2 points by Navita 4 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  67. Show HN: I made a site that helps you Sleep in minutes (sleepfast.io)
    ×1.47 | 5 points by arush007 4 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  68. Show HN: Google URL Shortener Import + Migration Tool (shortmenu.com)
    ×0.37 | 2 points by floschliep 4 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  69. Show HN: The Alchemist Book Summary with Chat (sliksafe.com)
    ×1.88 | 4 points by arpitagarwal 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  70. Show HN: Nudge, a Pushover CLI, v0.7.0 (sr.ht)
    ×0.99 | 2 points by bayindirh 1 day ago | discuss | ??? ???
  71. Show HN: Easily map CSV data with lat/lon to H3 for enrichment or aggregation (dbreunig.com)
    ×1.07 | 3 points by dbreunig 4 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  72. Show HN: Headmaker – HTML <head> generator and reference (kwikle.me)
    ×4.76 | 10 points by ksymph 3 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  73. Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean (bbc.co.uk)
    ×2.00 | 186 points by cmsefton 4 days ago | 59 comments | ??? ???
  74. Ask HN: Managed databases that DON'T run in AWS/GCP/Azure?
    ×0.42 | 5 points by notamy 4 days ago | 9 comments | ??? ???
  75. How much money we can raise for transparently idiotic startups? (smbc-comics.com)
    ×4.68 | 205 points by BerislavLopac 4 days ago | 119 comments | ??? ???
  76. Ask HN: Is there a list of grey-hair-friendly IT companies?
    ×3.03 | 92 points by rndaom 4 days ago | 67 comments | ??? ???
  77. A Gentle Introduction to SAML (ssoready.com)
    ×1.74 | 243 points by ned_at_codomain 4 days ago | 95 comments | ??? ???
  78. The workers have spoken: They're staying home (computerworld.com)
    ×4.97 | 204 points by CrankyBear 4 days ago | 258 comments | ??? ???
  79. Ask HN: I built a Yubikey-based domain controller. Is it sellable?
    ×0.84 | 138 points by elevation 4 days ago | 97 comments | ??? ???
  80. Maestro: Netflix's Workflow Orchestrator (netflixtechblog.com)
    ×1.93 | 303 points by vquemener 4 days ago | 153 comments | ??? ???
  81. What Is Entropy? (wordpress.com)
    ×1.94 | 341 points by ainoobler 4 days ago | 197 comments | ??? ???
  82. Is someone trying to steal credit for inventing the eTicket?
    ×0.36 | 3 points by rexarex 4 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  83. Ask HN: Mercury.com Alternatives?
    ×0.36 | 4 points by gerenuk 4 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  84. Copying is the way design works (matthewstrom.com)
    ×3.24 | 731 points by innerzeal 4 days ago | 236 comments | ??? ???
  85. Kawaii – A Keychain-Sized Nintendo Wii (bitbuilt.net)
    ×2.86 | 738 points by realslimjd 4 days ago | 214 comments | ??? ???
  86. Ask HN: What martial arts do you recommend?
    ×0.66 | 6 points by khaled_ismaeel 4 days ago | 8 comments | ??? ???
  87. Ask HN: Should a risk assessment list all dependent tools?
    ×0.38 | 6 points by kidbomb 4 days ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  88. Is an All-in-One Database the Future?
    ×0.65 | 9 points by Etai 4 days ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  89. July 2024 Update on Instability Reports on Intel Core 13th/14th Gen Desktop CPUs (intel.com)
    ×2.14 | 322 points by acrispino 4 days ago | 208 comments | ??? ???
  90. Timeshift: System Restore Tool for Linux (github.com/linuxmint)
    ×1.74 | 369 points by gballan 4 days ago | 168 comments | ??? ???