Quality News is a Hacker News client with:
- additional story performance stats shown below each story
- detailed historical charts (click on the story's ×upvoteRate stats)
- additional ranking algorithms
For more details, see the Readme on GitHub.
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Upvote Rate
Upvote Rate
The ×upvoteRate quantifies how much more or less likely users are to upvote this story compared to the average story. It is calculated as the story's total upvotes divided by total expected upvotes.
Expected Upvotes
The expected upvotes for a story is an estimate of the number of upvotes the average story would have received if it were shown at the same times at the same ranks.
Raw Rank
The raw rank is the rank that a story would have according to the "raw" Hacker News ranking formula:
upvotes^0.8 / (ageHours+2)^1.8
This formula produces a certain ranking that you can see on the (raw page). But the HN ranking is further influenced by moderator actions, user flags, and other factors which boost or penalize stories.
Rank Delta
The delta between the raw rank and front page rank. An over-ranked page may have received a boost by HN moderators, while an under-ranked page may have received a penalty.