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This is the current Hacker News "Ask HN". Page. The estimated ×upvoteRate (?) is shown next to each story: click on it to see charts of the story's rank, upvotes, and upvoteRate history.
  1. Ask HN: One-person companies—how do you manage it all and stay sane?
    ×2.78 #33 | 81 points by terabytest 2 hours ago | 57 comments | ??? ???
  2. Ask HN: Are deep learning theorist employable in the industry
    ×0.23 | 2 points by aaronli2003 2 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  3. Ask HN: Help – locked out of longstanding Zoho Mail account
    ×0.58 | 3 points by corsac 2 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  4. Ask HN: Is there a way to customize the stories on Hacker News?
    ×0.77 #73 | 16 points by anbardoi 10 hours ago | 10 comments | ??? ???
  5. Ask HN: How to Approach Pair Programming?
    ×0.61 | 14 points by jerrygoyal 13 hours ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  6. Ask HN: Front-end devs, what is your current db and backend of choice?
    ×0.27 | 5 points by jc_811 7 hours ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  7. Ask HN: Can anyone suggest few open source projects for SaaS Boilerplate?
    ×1.01 | 9 points by magundu 15 hours ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  8. Ask HN: Why do news websites think this is a good idea?
    ×0.60 | 6 points by anbardoi 9 hours ago | 9 comments | ??? ???
  9. Ask HN: How are Data Scientist keeping themselves updated?
    ×0.57 | 6 points by mrityunjay2293 14 hours ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  10. Ask HN: Are there AI prompt builder products?
    ×0.64 | 12 points by hanniabu 21 hours ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  11. Ask HN: How Can I Make My Front End React to Database Changes in Real-Time?
    ×1.50 | 21 points by bruchim 1 day ago | 29 comments | ??? ???
  12. Ask HN: What is it like working for Mozilla Labs these days?
    ×2.21 | 6 points by trail477 1 day ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  13. Tell HN: We should snapshot a mostly AI output free version of the web
    ×2.10 | 132 points by jacquesm 1 day ago | 60 comments | ??? ???
  14. Ask HN: Why is uploading to Google Drive so slow?
    ×0.52 | 4 points by nomilk 16 hours ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  15. Ask HN: I want to create IMDB for open source projects
    ×1.75 | 239 points by ganeshdole 3 days ago | 142 comments | ??? ???
  16. Ask HN: I feel both valuable and worthless
    ×0.80 | 6 points by pubby 18 hours ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  17. Ask HN: Is RAG the Future of LLMs?
    ×1.44 | 123 points by Gooblebrai 3 days ago | 104 comments | ??? ???
  18. Ask HN: Is it polite to respond to colleagues using ChatGPT?
    ×0.46 | 7 points by tcgv 1 day ago | 21 comments | ??? ???
  19. Wayfair fired a bunch of people again today, after using them to train AI
    ×4.47 | 134 points by MountainMan1312 21 hours ago | 81 comments | ??? ???
  20. Tookie-OSINT, an advanced OSINT tool
    ×0.33 | 3 points by alfredredbird 21 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  21. What's the best (non-tablet) software for kids?
    ×0.40 | 4 points by qq66 1 day ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  22. How can software developers focus to ensure safety from AI era side effects?
    ×0.95 | 5 points by ips1512 15 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  23. Ask HN: What's a batteries-included framework that's React-first?
    ×0.46 | 10 points by vimota 1 day ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  24. Ask HN: How do you track copy changes on websites/emails?
    ×0.46 | 30 points by beatthatflight 2 days ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  25. Ask HN: How's AI different than the dot-com era?
    ×0.55 | 6 points by SMAAART 1 day ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  26. Ask HN: What tool(s) do you use to code review and deploy SQL scripts?
    ×1.09 | 53 points by manibaur 3 days ago | 22 comments | ??? ???
  27. Our Instagram account got hacked and no one at Meta will help, what to do?
    ×1.81 | 17 points by jcelerier 1 day ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  28. Ask HN: Could you train someone to do your job in a month?
    ×0.41 | 6 points by 999900000999 1 day ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  29. Ask HN: How will I make Windows 10 collect less telemetry?
    ×0.43 | 7 points by nalinidash 1 day ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  30. Ask HN: What is a good alternative to SendGrid?
    ×0.19 | 4 points by max_ 1 day ago | 10 comments | ??? ???
  31. Ask HN: How do I copy a large directory from an old Mac to a new Mac?
    ×0.32 | 4 points by amichail 1 day ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  32. Ask HN: How does open banking payments work?
    ×0.46 | 5 points by thala 1 day ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  33. RAGKit with Kyle Davis – Weaviate Podcast #93
    ×0.44 | 16 points by CShorten 3 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  34. Ask HN: Founders Advice – What are the best ways to drive users to your product?
    ×0.98 | 5 points by Jaedon_Proctor 1 day ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  35. Ask HN: What do you need to know to be good at the Unix Command Line?
    ×1.22 | 17 points by mnemonicsloth 3 days ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  36. Ask HN: C++ devs who went C only
    ×1.45 | 18 points by b20000 3 days ago | 28 comments | ??? ???
  37. Ask HN: Best stack for real time data intensive apps
    ×0.44 | 4 points by warthog 1 day ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  38. Ask HN: What book have you given as a gift?
    ×1.12 | 13 points by schappim 2 days ago | 34 comments | ??? ???
  39. Ask HN: Books for engaging with business problems as an IC?
    ×1.11 | 15 points by rlue 3 days ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  40. Ask HN: What movies changed your perception of reality or life?
    ×3.67 | 114 points by metadat 3 days ago | 214 comments | ??? ???
  41. Ask HN: What older games are you playing through?
    ×0.78 | 30 points by agent008t 2 days ago | 73 comments | ??? ???
  42. Best way to display photorealistic 3D in the browser?
    ×0.23 | 4 points by logicziller 3 days ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  43. Ask HN: How did you do your 2023 tax returns?
    ×0.55 | 8 points by neilv 2 days ago | 34 comments | ??? ???
  44. Ask HN: Visited Venice Recently?
    ×0.37 | 4 points by chrisjj 3 days ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  45. Ask HN: How has your remote team solved communication across time zones?
    ×0.53 | 7 points by vojerwpo 3 days ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  46. Ask HN: Flutter or React Native?
    ×1.43 | 8 points by th3proph3t 2 days ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  47. Ask HN: What would attract you to attend a 1day course on a tech of your choice?
    ×0.57 | 8 points by digitalWestie 3 days ago | 28 comments | ??? ???
  48. Ask HN: Does it cost more to build an iOS app than a web app?
    ×1.65 | 9 points by codingclaws 2 days ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  49. Ask HN: What job titles involve designing chips?
    ×0.23 | 3 points by altdataseller 3 days ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  50. Ask HN: Will you switch back if Windows on Arm becomes as snappy as macOS?
    ×0.39 | 6 points by ricc 4 days ago | 25 comments | ??? ???
  51. Show HN: I made a tool which fixes broken JSONs (prakhar897.github.io)
    ×1.66 | 29 points by prakhar897 4 days ago | 14 comments | ??? ???
  52. Redis re-implemented with SQLite (github.com/nalgeon)
    ×2.85 | 494 points by tosh 4 days ago | 118 comments | ??? ???
  53. Show HN: LLM Tree Navigation Benchmark (github.com/aiwebb)
    ×1.51 | 6 points by alexwebb2 4 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  54. Show HN: Tech Interview Experience from Google, Microsoft, and Atlassian (techinterviewexp.site)
    ×1.11 | 6 points by hsnice16 4 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  55. Show HN: Stack, an open-source Clerk/Firebase Auth alternative (stack-auth.com)
    ×1.22 | 144 points by n2d4 4 days ago | 70 comments | ??? ???
  56. Hospitals that make profits should pay taxes (statnews.com)
    ×4.01 | 258 points by jyunwai 4 days ago | 195 comments | ??? ???
  57. Show HN: Docker-boot – Run a system from RAM without LiveCD (github.com/purplesyringa)
    ×1.60 | 27 points by purplesyringa 4 days ago | 9 comments | ??? ???
  58. Kate editor on all platforms (cullmann.io)
    ×2.09 | 303 points by cullmann 4 days ago | 152 comments | ??? ???
  59. Good news against dengue (science.org)
    ×1.63 | 170 points by jseliger 4 days ago | 65 comments | ??? ???
  60. Show HN: Minipic convert and compress images multiple formats locally in browser (minipic.app)
    ×0.91 | 4 points by fayazara 4 days ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  61. Show HN: Gemfast – A rubygems server written in Go (github.com/gemfast)
    ×1.08 | 5 points by gscho 4 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  62. Show HN: I made a tool to clean and convert any webpage to Markdown (markdowndown.vercel.app)
    ×2.55 | 437 points by asadalt 4 days ago | 100 comments | ??? ???
  63. AI made these movies sharper – critics say it ruined them (nytimes.com)
    ×1.84 | 173 points by bookofjoe 4 days ago | 250 comments | ??? ???
  64. My cat alerted me to a DDoS attack (dannyguo.com)
    ×3.12 | 277 points by dguo 3 days ago | 105 comments | ??? ???
  65. Show HN: Cloudzip – mount remote zip files (S3, Kaggle) as a local directory (twitter.com/ozkatz100)
    ×1.80 | 5 points by ozkatz 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  66. WireViz: Easily document cables and wiring harnesses (github.com/wireviz)
    ×1.87 | 254 points by luu 3 days ago | 45 comments | ??? ???
  67. Visualizing Attention, a Transformer's Heart [video] (3blue1brown.com)
    ×3.96 | 989 points by rohitpaulk 3 days ago | 171 comments | ??? ???
  68. Spectral Ray Tracing (larswander.com)
    ×1.94 | 289 points by earslap 3 days ago | 43 comments | ??? ???
  69. Show HN: Semantic Search React Component (github.com/Mihaiii)
    ×0.85 | 28 points by mihaich 3 days ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  70. Show HN: I made a Chrome extension to automatically keep track of visited URLs (github.com/dikshantrajput)
    ×0.83 | 4 points by dkraj 3 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  71. Show HN: Solo founder launched iOS Development Agency as a Subscription (swiftapplab.com)
    ×1.06 | 7 points by nikolai_tarasov 3 days ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  72. Sleep apnea: Mouthguards less invasive, just as effective as CPAP (newatlas.com)
    ×3.02 | 219 points by peutetre 3 days ago | 169 comments | ??? ???
  73. Learning about distributed systems: where to start? (2020) (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
    ×1.90 | 192 points by udev4096 3 days ago | 40 comments | ??? ???
  74. Show HN: Made a tool to find pitch deck examples, Make and share pitch deck (pitchdeck.design)
    ×0.57 | 3 points by olayanjuidris 3 days ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  75. A shrub in Nepal supplies the raw material for the bank notes used in Japan (nytimes.com)
    ×1.26 | 212 points by Thevet 3 days ago | 90 comments | ??? ???
  76. Show HN: Little Guys (willmeye.rs)
    ×1.53 | 13 points by willmeyers 3 days ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  77. Show HN: Backprop GPU Cloud for affordable and high quality VMs (backprop.co)
    ×0.62 | 3 points by kristoo 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  78. Beautifying Org Mode in Emacs (2018) (zzamboni.org)
    ×1.26 | 227 points by tosh 3 days ago | 61 comments | ??? ???
  79. Show HN: Create sharable AI chats for your documentation site in seconds (mzslabs.com)
    ×0.99 | 6 points by matzapata 3 days ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  80. A tiny ultrabright laser that can melt steel (ieee.org)
    ×1.67 | 322 points by rbanffy 3 days ago | 194 comments | ??? ???
  81. SpaceX's most-flown reusable rocket will go for its 20th launch tonight (arstechnica.com)
    ×2.68 #72 | 71 points by rbanffy 5 hours ago | 27 comments | ??? ???
  82. Show HN: In memory Rust database to query your data like a Venn diagram (github.com/plabayo)
    ×0.78 | 6 points by gdcbe 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  83. Tesla to lay off more than 10% of its staff (reuters.com)
    ×8.73 | 246 points by draugadrotten 3 days ago | 317 comments | ??? ???
  84. Causality, Interaction, and Complexity (alexahn.com)
    ×0.56 #26 | 47 points by alexahn 11 hours ago | 10 comments | ??? ???
  85. Weird monitor bugs people sent me in the last 5 years (2022) (alinpanaitiu.com)
    ×1.49 | 186 points by fanf2 3 days ago | 80 comments | ??? ???
  86. We are moving to General Availability (supabase.com)
    ×2.56 | 269 points by jimmcslim 3 days ago | 100 comments | ??? ???
  87. Show HN: Python.cards – Learn Python with spaced repetition (python.cards)
    ×0.89 | 8 points by victorlf 3 days ago | discuss | ??? ???
  88. Tesla Cybertruck deliveries halted for 7 days (barrons.com)
    ×4.79 | 295 points by bookofjoe 3 days ago | 367 comments | ??? ???
  89. Neon Serverless Postgres is generally available (neon.tech)
    ×2.99 | 322 points by refset 3 days ago | 216 comments | ??? ???
  90. Show HN: Building a GPS receiver (axleos.com)
    ×2.36 | 546 points by codyd51 3 days ago | 124 comments | ??? ???