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This is the current Hacker News Front Page. The estimated ×upvoteRate (?) is shown next to each story: click on it to see charts of the story's rank, upvotes, and upvoteRate history.
  1. In the Beginning Was the Command Line (stanford.edu)
    ×2.25 | 44 points by conanxin 1 hour ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  2. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (sysprog21.github.io)
    ×1.90 | 103 points by wrycoder 5 hours ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  3. Windows recovery environment and bootable USB creator in 200kb (github.com/joshuacline)
    ×1.09 | 91 points by windozedev 5 hours ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  4. Paper cuttings made by 17th-century schoolgirls discovered beneath floorboards (smithsonianmag.com)
    ×1.49 | 72 points by benbreen 6 hours ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  5. Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control (jamesbvaughan.com)
    ×1.43 | 150 points by jamesbvaughan 9 hours ago | 62 comments | ??? ???
  6. Mastering Ruby Code Navigation: Ruby LSP Enhancements in the First Half of 2024 (railsatscale.com)
    ×1.24 | 78 points by ksec 7 hours ago | 16 comments | ??? ???
  7. Linux Network Performance Ultimate Guide (ntk148v.github.io)
    ×2.77 | 38 points by bratao 6 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  8. Twenty (YC S23) Is Hiring a Software Engineer in Paris (ycombinator.com)
    46 minutes ago | discuss | ??? ???
  9. Zen 5's 2-ahead branch predictor: how a 30 year old idea allows for new tricks (chipsandcheese.com)
    ×1.85 | 186 points by matt_d 13 hours ago | 100 comments | ??? ???
  10. Introduction to Machine Learning Interviews Book (huyenchip.com)
    ×1.88 | 84 points by ibobev 7 hours ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  11. Bayesian Statistics: The three cultures (columbia.edu)
    ×1.24 | 233 points by luu 14 hours ago | 88 comments | ??? ???
  12. Better Firmware with LLVM/Clang (memfault.com)
    ×1.08 | 22 points by signa11 3 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  13. The New Internet (tailscale.com)
    ×3.37 | 199 points by ingve 13 hours ago | 92 comments | ??? ???
  14. How to Preserve Physical Photos (ente.io)
    ×1.43 | 33 points by goodburb 5 hours ago | 10 comments | ??? ???
  15. Why does the chromaticity diagram look like that? (jlongster.com)
    ×1.71 | 186 points by samwillis 13 hours ago | 57 comments | ??? ???
  16. Monumental proof settles geometric Langlands conjecture (quantamagazine.org)
    ×1.29 | 148 points by jandrewrogers 14 hours ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  17. TOTP tokens on my wrist with the smartest dumb watch (singleton.io)
    ×2.48 | 114 points by alexmolas 9 hours ago | 20 comments | ??? ???
  18. Crooks Bypassed Google's Email Verification to Create Workspace Accounts, Acces (krebsonsecurity.com)
    ×1.51 | 97 points by todsacerdoti 10 hours ago | 26 comments | ??? ???
  19. How large language models will disrupt data management [pdf] (vldb.org)
    ×1.19 | 54 points by mfiguiere 6 hours ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  20. Taking a Radio Camping (ewpratten.com)
    ×1.31 | 16 points by ewpratten 5 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  21. Repulsive Shells [video] (youtube.com)
    ×1.20 | 113 points by RafelMri 13 hours ago | 17 comments | ??? ???
  22. Seam Carving (2018) (andrewdcampbell.github.io)
    ×0.91 | 14 points by maxwell 4 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  23. Driving Compilers (fabiensanglard.net)
    ×1.67 | 39 points by ibobev 8 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  24. Courts Close the Loophole Letting the Feds Search Your Phone at the Border (reason.com)
    ×5.34 | 193 points by mhb 8 hours ago | 63 comments | ??? ???
  25. A simple procedural animation technique [video] (youtube.com)
    ×1.34 | 122 points by Meleagris 14 hours ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  26. IRS collects milestone $1B in back taxes from high-wealth taxpayers (apnews.com)
    ×3.92 | 63 points by gmays 4 hours ago | 48 comments | ??? ???
  27. Bril: An Intermediate Language for Teaching Compilers (cornell.edu)
    ×2.03 | 8 points by signa11 3 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  28. Show HN: Patchwork – Open-source framework to automate development gruntwork (github.com/patched-codes)
    ×1.07 | 77 points by rohansood15 11 hours ago | 14 comments | ??? ???
  29. Apex Surplus – A movie industry props and parts source (apexsurplus.com)
    ×0.98 | 65 points by jensgk 9 hours ago | 24 comments | ??? ???
  30. Counting bytes faster than you'd think possible (mattstuchlik.com)
    ×1.62 | 124 points by asicsp 16 hours ago | 24 comments | ??? ???
  31. Alexandre Grothendieck, The New Universal Church (1971) [pdf] (uwo.ca)
    ×1.14 | 91 points by vinnyvichy 16 hours ago | 39 comments | ??? ???
  32. New Programming Languages of 2024 (pldb.io)
    ×1.92 | 8 points by breck 3 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  33. Europe is in danger of regulating its tech market out of existence (foreignpolicy.com)
    ×4.87 | 254 points by paulpauper 12 hours ago | 491 comments | ??? ???
  34. From Linux to NetBSD, with SSH Only (cloudbsd.xyz)
    ×1.74 | 189 points by jaypatelani 1 day ago | 21 comments | ??? ???
  35. MIT 11.350: Sustainable Real Estate (mit.edu)
    ×1.36 | 77 points by mdp2021 9 hours ago | 110 comments | ??? ???
  36. Why Levittown didn't revolutionize homebuilding (construction-physics.com)
    ×0.93 | 73 points by sien 23 hours ago | 143 comments | ??? ???
  37. Finding a random seed that solves a LeetCode problem (2023) (mcognetta.github.io)
    ×0.92 | 82 points by mcyc 14 hours ago | 24 comments | ??? ???
  38. A hash table by any other name (lwn.net)
    ×1.23 | 106 points by signa11 1 day ago | 27 comments | ??? ???
  39. Deep Learning Interviews (2021) (arxiv.org)
    ×1.22 | 42 points by ibobev 10 hours ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  40. The Many Lives of Null Island (stamen.com)
    ×1.27 | 82 points by sebg 17 hours ago | 14 comments | ??? ???
  41. Stripe acquires Lemon Squeezy (lemonsqueezy.com)
    ×3.18 | 222 points by drecoe 15 hours ago | 147 comments | ??? ???
  42. The Rise of the Analytics Pretendgineer (benn.substack.com)
    ×1.40 | 12 points by acossta 8 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  43. Memory for music doesn't diminish with age (nature.com)
    ×1.04 | 56 points by gnabgib 18 hours ago | 16 comments | ??? ???
  44. CrowdStrike update may cost world billions – and insurance ain't covering it all (theregister.com)
    ×3.11 | 5 points by pjmlp 1 hour ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  45. Funtoo Linux is shutting down (funtoo.org)
    ×1.83 | 97 points by DaSHacka 9 hours ago | 48 comments | ??? ???
  46. Clojure macros continue to surprise me (tonsky.me)
    ×1.16 | 115 points by jgrodziski 1 day ago | 24 comments | ??? ???
  47. Nice Things that Apple doesn't let us have (on an iPad) (taoofmac.com)
    ×2.61 | 8 points by walterbell 2 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  48. FTC launches probe into 'surveillance pricing' (cnbc.com)
    ×2.04 | 109 points by m463 1 day ago | 24 comments | ??? ???
  49. VCs are still pouring billions into generative AI startups (techcrunch.com)
    ×1.53 | 5 points by gsky 1 hour ago | discuss | ??? ???
  50. Is the nervous system a democracy? (2016) (scientificamerican.com)
    ×0.59 | 26 points by kawera 11 hours ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  51. Lost by Schoolgirls: A display of 17th century papercuts (nationaltrust.org.uk)
    ×1.10 | 86 points by geox 23 hours ago | 21 comments | ??? ???
  52. Intel confirms no recall for Raptor Lake CPUs,microcode won't fix affected units (videocardz.com)
    ×3.77 | 78 points by josephcsible 9 hours ago | 52 comments | ??? ???
  53. Treescope: Interactive HTML visualization library for Python neural networks (github.com/google-deepmind)
    ×0.85 | 54 points by zerojames 19 hours ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  54. Call the compiler, fax it your code [video] (youtube.com)
    ×1.22 | 142 points by ayoreis 14 hours ago | 35 comments | ??? ???
  55. Startup Finance for Founders – Part I, Accounting (2016) (rein.pk)
    ×2.05 | 173 points by sebg 1 day ago | 17 comments | ??? ???
  56. Beyond Clean Code (tobeva.com)
    ×1.66 | 67 points by pbw 12 hours ago | 47 comments | ??? ???
  57. Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650M checks (eieio.games)
    ×3.49 | 191 points by todsacerdoti 15 hours ago | 47 comments | ??? ???
  58. How to optimize a CUDA matmul kernel for cuBLAS-like performance (2022) (siboehm.com)
    ×1.20 | 94 points by mpweiher 16 hours ago | 25 comments | ??? ???
  59. Show HN: Word Slicer (wordslicer.com)
    ×1.08 | 42 points by NoArcher888 18 hours ago | 38 comments | ??? ???
  60. Understanding Performance Implications of Storage-Disaggregated Databases (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
    ×0.67 | 13 points by jandrewrogers 11 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  61. NYPD Coppelgänger: Exploring Cop Data (lav.io)
    ×1.22 | 45 points by leotravis10 1 day ago | 13 comments | ??? ???
  62. Meta-Thunderbolt (nocoffei.com)
    ×1.71 | 22 points by todsacerdoti 13 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  63. How the EU Weaponizes Regulation to Extract Billions from American Tech (piratewires.com)
    ×1.91 | 4 points by ksec 1 hour ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  64. AI solves International Math Olympiad problems at silver medal level (deepmind.google)
    ×4.90 | 1321 points by ocfnash 1 day ago | 507 comments | ??? ???
  65. Show HN: I built a tool to expand your network (that introverts will love) (moreoverlap.com)
    ×2.75 | 205 points by jbrueck 2 days ago | 34 comments | ??? ???
  66. Show HN: Ray Tracing in One Weekend v4.0.0 (raytracing.github.io)
    ×2.32 | 52 points by hollasch 10 hours ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  67. Where should visual programming go? (tonsky.me)
    ×1.52 | 71 points by spiralganglion 13 hours ago | 67 comments | ??? ???
  68. Show HN: Slab – A programmable markup language for generating HTML (slab-lang.org)
    ×0.86 | 33 points by thu 20 hours ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  69. Game AI Pro (gameaipro.com)
    ×1.13 | 8 points by ibobev 9 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  70. Neural Networks and Deep Learning (neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com)
    ×0.95 | 7 points by ibobev 9 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  71. A Swiss town banned billboards. Zurich, Bern may soon follow (bloomberg.com)
    ×5.00 | 596 points by toomuchtodo 1 day ago | 545 comments | ??? ???
  72. Notes on Remitting Stripe Tax to the UK and EU (svbtle.com)
    ×1.59 | 22 points by tppiotrowski 13 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  73. Llama-3.1 supports tool calls via prompting (braintrust.dev)
    ×1.46 | 14 points by ankrgyl 12 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  74. Why is spawning a new process in Node so slow? (val.town)
    ×0.33 | 3 points by maxmcd 8 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  75. Captain Beefheart's 10 Commandments of Guitar Playing (1996) (wfmu.org)
    ×1.60 | 72 points by ohjeez 16 hours ago | 58 comments | ??? ???
  76. Show HN: Haystack – an IDE for exploring and editing code on an infinite canvas (haystackeditor.com)
    ×2.53 | 506 points by akshaysg 1 day ago | 190 comments | ??? ???
  77. The Physics of Cold Water May Have Jump-Started Complex Life (quantamagazine.org)
    ×0.78 | 4 points by frankish 8 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  78. Asteroids Game in Racket (2021) (alex-hhh.github.io)
    ×0.79 | 9 points by oumua_don17 14 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  79. Fast, accurate climate modeling with NeuralGCM (research.google)
    ×1.21 | 6 points by praccu 9 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  80. Cellular Reprogramming Improves Cognition in Aged Rats (lifespan.io)
    ×1.12 | 4 points by GavCo 11 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  81. Restic 0.17.0 Released (restic.net)
    ×3.90 | 15 points by gslin 9 hours ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  82. Investigating corrupt Winamp skins (jordaneldredge.com)
    ×2.71 | 583 points by treve 2 days ago | 137 comments | ??? ???
  83. Skip and Arc'teryx built a futuristic exoskeleton (fastcompany.com)
    ×1.85 | 102 points by coderintherye 15 hours ago | 37 comments | ??? ???
  84. Launch HN: Undermind (YC S24) – AI agent for discovering scientific papers
    ×1.33 | 279 points by jramette 1 day ago | 120 comments | ??? ???
  85. Edsger W. Dijkstra (wikipedia.org)
    ×1.02 | 4 points by kamaraju 3 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  86. A cheap barcode scanner helped fix CrowdStrike'd Windows PCs in a flash (theregister.com)
    ×2.84 | 90 points by qdot76367 1 day ago | 25 comments | ??? ???
  87. The process that kept dying: A memory leak murder mystery (lukedeniston.com)
    ×0.67 | 25 points by luketheobscure 19 hours ago | 8 comments | ??? ???
  88. Heckorator, a.k.a. why you should always check up on old unfinished projects (rocketrace.github.io)
    ×0.76 | 7 points by thunderbong 12 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  89. Ask HN: Weirdest Computer Architecture?
    ×0.56 | 22 points by bckr 14 hours ago | 22 comments | ??? ???
  90. A Clone of Deluxe Paint II Written in Python (github.com/mriale)
    ×1.35 | 168 points by luismedel 1 day ago | 50 comments | ??? ???