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This is the current Hacker News Front Page. The estimated ×upvoteRate (?) is shown next to each story: click on it to see charts of the story's rank, upvotes, and upvoteRate history.
  1. You are what you read, even if you don't always remember it (jim-nielsen.com)
    ×2.51 | 349 points by herbertl 7 hours ago | 199 comments | ??? ???
  2. A Beginner's Guide to the ESP8266 (tttapa.github.io)
    ×1.75 | 150 points by davikr 7 hours ago | 44 comments | ??? ???
  3. Anduril Selected for U.S. Air Force Collaborative Combat Aircraft Program (anduril.com)
    ×1.25 | 62 points by MaximilianEmel 4 hours ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  4. HTML Attributes vs. DOM Properties (jakearchibald.com)
    ×1.93 | 137 points by thunderbong 6 hours ago | 40 comments | ??? ???
  5. I now lack the juice to fuel the bluster to conceal that I am a simpleton (lithub.com)
    ×1.46 | 294 points by Jun8 13 hours ago | 108 comments | ??? ???
  6. Airlines required to refund passengers for canceled, delayed flights (go.com)
    ×3.89 | 488 points by vyrotek 10 hours ago | 201 comments | ??? ???
  7. A feature-rich front-end drag-and-drop component library (github.com/atlassian)
    ×1.75 | 263 points by NeilSmith2048 14 hours ago | 56 comments | ??? ???
  8. When do we stop finding new music? (statsignificant.com)
    ×2.13 | 298 points by commons-tragedy 14 hours ago | 412 comments | ??? ???
  9. CodeStory (YC S23) is hiring a Founding Engineer for building an AI-native IDE (workatastartup.com)
    1 hour ago | discuss | ??? ???
  10. Quaternion Knowledge Graph Embeddings (arxiv.org)
    ×0.80 | 21 points by teleforce 5 hours ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  11. Automated Stitching of Chip Images (bunniestudios.com)
    ×0.78 | 40 points by lemper 7 hours ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  12. Magic Numbers (tive.org)
    ×1.21 | 121 points by todsacerdoti 11 hours ago | 44 comments | ??? ???
  13. JSR Is Not Another Package Manager (deno.com)
    ×1.59 | 19 points by sbt567 4 hours ago | 5 comments | ??? ???
  14. Perception of when old age starts has increased over time, shows study (theguardian.com)
    ×0.88 | 8 points by Brajeshwar 4 hours ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  15. McKinsey Under Criminal Investigation over Opioid-Related Consulting (wsj.com)
    ×4.60 | 289 points by impish9208 12 hours ago | 64 comments | ??? ???
  16. Show HN: Open-source alternative to HashiCorp/IBM Vault (github.com/Infisical)
    ×1.40 | 41 points by vmatsiiako 11 hours ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  17. Tiny GPU: A minimal GPU implementation in Verilog (github.com/adam-maj)
    ×2.17 | 4 points by fgblanch 3 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  18. Progress Quest: the original idle game (progressquest.com)
    ×0.39 | 3 points by chr15m 1 day ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  19. VideoGigaGAN: Towards detail-rich video super-resolution (videogigagan.github.io)
    ×1.41 | 288 points by CharlesW 16 hours ago | 217 comments | ??? ???
  20. Make Invalid States Unrepresentable (geeklaunch.io)
    ×1.81 | 38 points by satvikpendem 10 hours ago | 16 comments | ??? ???
  21. Node.js 22: Require() Support and WebSockets (coderoasis.com)
    ×1.08 | 3 points by SudoSH 3 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  22. A Note about Coercions (oleg.fi)
    ×0.38 | 9 points by JNRowe 5 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  23. Fine tune LLAMA3 on million scale dataset in consumer GPU using QLora, DeepSpeed (medium.com)
    ×2.34 | 102 points by mehulashah 6 hours ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  24. Enron tried to trade memory chip futures; why didn't it work? (felixstocker.com)
    ×0.95 | 6 points by Dagulf795 5 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  25. Descartes's Stove (bloomsburyliterarystudiesblog.com)
    ×0.45 | 32 points by Vigier 12 hours ago | 8 comments | ??? ???
  26. The "it" in AI models is the dataset (nonint.com)
    ×1.33 | 4 points by alvivar 5 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  27. Show HN: See your current Spotify song in the menu bar (github.com/jonathangarelick)
    ×0.74 | 42 points by jonathang6k 7 hours ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  28. The Rediscovery of a Depression-Era Masterpiece (newyorker.com)
    ×0.22 | 8 points by apollinaire 7 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  29. Piet: Programming language in which programs look like abstract paintings (2002) (dangermouse.net)
    ×1.84 | 420 points by andsoitis 1 day ago | 64 comments | ??? ???
  30. Borrow Checking, RC, GC, and the Eleven () Other Memory Safety Approaches (verdagon.dev)
    ×1.64 | 145 points by todsacerdoti 16 hours ago | 50 comments | ??? ???
  31. Nearsightedness is at epidemic levels – and the problem begins in childhood (theconversation.com)
    ×2.27 | 199 points by pseudolus 13 hours ago | 143 comments | ??? ???
  32. The Rise and Fall of the LAN Party (aftermath.site)
    ×2.43 | 196 points by gaws 12 hours ago | 89 comments | ??? ???
  33. Biden signs TikTok bill into law, starting clock for ByteDance to divest (theverge.com)
    ×6.24 | 692 points by vyrotek 16 hours ago | 1400 comments | ??? ???
  34. CoreNet: A library for training deep neural networks (github.com/apple)
    ×1.97 | 472 points by rocauc 1 day ago | 124 comments | ??? ???
  35. IBM to buy HashiCorp in $6.4B deal (reuters.com)
    ×5.78 | 459 points by amateurhuman 12 hours ago | 311 comments | ??? ???
  36. Most Tech Jobs Are Jokes and I Am Not Laughing (mataroa.blog)
    ×4.30 | 17 points by ludicity 4 hours ago | 8 comments | ??? ???
  37. TypeScript: Branded Types (prosopo.io)
    ×1.32 | 163 points by arbol 15 hours ago | 165 comments | ??? ???
  38. ESPHome (esphome.io)
    ×3.08 | 503 points by kaycebasques 1 day ago | 152 comments | ??? ???
  39. Sysadmin friendly high speed Ethernet switching (benjojo.co.uk)
    ×1.91 | 235 points by todsacerdoti 1 day ago | 85 comments | ??? ???
  40. Modern EV Batteries Rarely Fail: Study (insideevs.com)
    ×1.88 | 36 points by bilsbie 9 hours ago | 16 comments | ??? ???
  41. Ghost Jobs – it's not your fault that you are not getting hired in 2024 [video] (youtube.com)
    ×2.28 | 63 points by titusblair 4 hours ago | 50 comments | ??? ???
  42. Simulating Jupiter (emildziewanowski.com)
    ×1.80 | 346 points by imadr 1 day ago | 37 comments | ??? ???
  43. Amsterdam roofs that not only grow plants but also capture water for residents (wired.com)
    ×1.11 | 47 points by divbzero 10 hours ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  44. Length and thickness of bamboo internodes: a beautiful curve (elegantexperiments.net)
    ×0.48 | 57 points by elsewhen 15 hours ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  45. Snowflake Arctic Instruct (128x3B MoE), largest open source model (replicate.com)
    ×2.09 | 280 points by cuuupid 16 hours ago | 199 comments | ??? ???
  46. Eric Schmidt-backed Augment, a GitHub Copilot rival, launches out of stealth (techcrunch.com)
    ×1.93 | 118 points by jmcphers 12 hours ago | 84 comments | ??? ???
  47. Other People’s Problems (seths.blog)
    ×1.21 | 168 points by pmzy 20 hours ago | 130 comments | ??? ???
  48. Emulsifiers linked to increased diabetes risk (thelancet.com)
    ×1.48 | 10 points by cachecrab 12 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  49. Zoning Out American Families (discoursemagazine.com)
    ×1.27 | 15 points by jseliger 8 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  50. The Stainless SDK Generator (stainlessapi.com)
    ×1.79 | 201 points by brandur 16 hours ago | 61 comments | ??? ???
  51. Music for Programming (musicforprogramming.net)
    ×1.51 | 21 points by bookofjoe 18 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  52. American flag sort (nist.gov)
    ×1.19 | 245 points by zerojames 1 day ago | 65 comments | ??? ???
  53. Krazam OS (krazam.tv)
    ×3.93 | 953 points by zdgeier 2 days ago | 183 comments | ??? ???
  54. Show HN: Podlite - a lightweight markup language for organizing knowledge (podlite.org)
    ×1.02 | 124 points by zagap 1 day ago | 41 comments | ??? ???
  55. BeeBase, a programmable relational database with graphical user interface (sourceforge.io)
    ×1.41 | 218 points by LkpPo 1 day ago | 93 comments | ??? ???
  56. Suicide Rates Are Now Higher Among Young Adults Than the Middle-Aged (afterbabel.com)
    ×2.48 | 38 points by throwup238 18 hours ago | 28 comments | ??? ???
  57. New Foundations is consistent – a difficult mathematical proof proved using Lean (leanprover-community.github.io)
    ×1.44 | 328 points by namanyayg 1 day ago | 147 comments | ??? ???
  58. How we manage individual user concurrencies with Nginx and Lua (browserless.io)
    ×0.75 | 59 points by zach_g 16 hours ago | 13 comments | ??? ???
  59. Faer-rs: Linear algebra foundation for Rust (github.com/sarah-ek)
    ×1.48 | 209 points by nateb2022 20 hours ago | 53 comments | ??? ???
  60. The Basque Country’s Mondragón Corporation is the largest industrial co-op (theguardian.com)
    ×3.04 | 272 points by toss1 19 hours ago | 272 comments | ??? ???
  61. Apple's risky bet on CarPlay (theturnsignalblog.com)
    ×2.10 | 279 points by vsdlrd 1 day ago | 509 comments | ??? ???
  62. Attackers spread backdoor via eScan antivirus software update process (avast.io)
    ×0.96 | 52 points by skilled 19 hours ago | 50 comments | ??? ???
  63. Show HN: LangCSS – An AI Assistant for Tailwind (langcss.com)
    ×0.93 | 101 points by langcss 20 hours ago | 122 comments | ??? ???
  64. The question that no LLM can answer and why it is important (mindprison.cc)
    ×2.17 | 76 points by 13years 1 day ago | 112 comments | ??? ???
  65. Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, a.k.a. "Masonry" layout (webkit.org)
    ×2.77 | 573 points by achairapart 1 day ago | 343 comments | ??? ???
  66. Jsfxr: 8-Bit sound maker and sfx generator (sfxr.me)
    ×0.81 | 115 points by memalign 1 day ago | 23 comments | ??? ???
  67. Show HN: Balancing game for the mobile browser with increasing difficulty (balanc3dgame.com)
    ×1.49 | 328 points by nargaw 1 day ago | 100 comments | ??? ???
  68. Digitized Continuous Magnetic Recordings for the 1859 Carrington Event (wiley.com)
    ×0.77 | 138 points by simonebrunozzi 1 day ago | 26 comments | ??? ???
  69. Maxtext: A simple, performant and scalable Jax LLM (github.com/google)
    ×0.88 | 112 points by zerojames 1 day ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  70. Australia's spies, cops want accountable encryption- a.k.a. access to backdoors (theregister.com)
    ×2.84 | 75 points by rntn 5 hours ago | 48 comments | ??? ???
  71. Nvidia to Acquire Run:AI (nvidia.com)
    ×1.83 | 170 points by jmsflknr 19 hours ago | 112 comments | ??? ???
  72. Deep Diving into the Erlang Scheduler (appsignal.com)
    ×0.98 | 59 points by unripe_syntax 1 day ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  73. Viral Kickstarter Telephoto Camera Makes Impossible Promises (petapixel.com)
    ×1.68 | 5 points by PaulHoule 6 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  74. Network visualization of 50k blogs and links (henryn.ca)
    ×1.11 | 215 points by ng-henry 1 day ago | 55 comments | ??? ???
  75. Moderate Exercise Linked to Lower Depression Risk (neurosciencenews.com)
    ×1.47 | 16 points by kryster 12 hours ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  76. Ask HN: How does deploying a fine-tuned model work
    ×0.85 | 115 points by FezzikTheGiant 1 day ago | 54 comments | ??? ???
  77. Golang PGO builds using GitHub Actions (dolthub.com)
    ×0.64 | 78 points by kiyanwang 1 day ago | 13 comments | ??? ???
  78. Understanding and avoiding visually ambiguous characters in IDs (gajus.com)
    ×1.59 | 277 points by gajus 2 days ago | 198 comments | ??? ???
  79. Key Defendant in Anna's Archive Lawsuit Denies Any Involvement with the Site (torrentfreak.com)
    ×1.62 | 36 points by aragonite 20 hours ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  80. Shouldn't Teams, Zoom, Slack interoperate securely for the Feds? Wyden is asking (theregister.com)
    ×1.83 | 10 points by rntn 11 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  81. Opengist: Open-source alternative to GitHub Gists (github.com/thomiceli)
    ×1.27 | 114 points by nalgeon 1 day ago | 30 comments | ??? ???
  82. Meta Reports First Quarter 2024 Results (fb.com)
    ×1.46 | 121 points by jsrn 12 hours ago | 145 comments | ??? ???
  83. How to Use I2C Devices in Apache NuttX: Scanning for Devices (embeddedrelated.com)
    ×0.44 | 47 points by lupyuen 1 day ago | 19 comments | ??? ???
  84. California lawmakers rein in bill to limit car speeds (politico.com)
    ×0.77 | 10 points by JumpCrisscross 11 hours ago | 23 comments | ??? ???
  85. Scooping the Loop Snooper (2000) (ed.ac.uk)
    ×0.52 | 79 points by soferio 1 day ago | 15 comments | ??? ???
  86. Intel Meteor Lake's NPU (chipsandcheese.com)
    ×1.15 | 104 points by rbanffy 1 day ago | 54 comments | ??? ???
  87. AI Starts to Sift Through String Theory's Near-Endless Possibilities (quantamagazine.org)
    ×1.00 | 60 points by pseudolus 1 day ago | 50 comments | ??? ???
  88. Ruby might be faster than you think (johnhawthorn.com)
    ×3.13 | 79 points by todsacerdoti 7 hours ago | 25 comments | ??? ???
  89. EURISKO Lives (funcall.org)
    ×0.68 | 128 points by wodow 2 days ago | 89 comments | ??? ???
  90. HCL: Toolkit for Structured Configuration Languages (github.com/hashicorp)
    ×0.35 | 26 points by thunderbong 1 day ago | 28 comments | ??? ???