Quality News
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These are the current stories on the Hacker News Front page ranked by the raw score produced by the HN formula, with no moderation penalties or bonuses applied. This makes the impact of moderation on the HN frontpage visible (e.g. off-topic/non-tech stories are ranked higher).
×UpvoteRate (?)   #rank on front page
  1. Courts Close the Loophole Letting the Feds Search Your Phone at the Border (reason.com)
    ×6.56 #18 | 124 points by mhb 4 hours ago | 30 comments | ??? ???
  2. Windows Recovery Environment and Bootable USB Creator in 200KB (github.com/joshuacline)
    ×1.33 #1 | 28 points by windozedev 1 hour ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  3. Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control (jamesbvaughan.com)
    ×1.39 #2 | 99 points by jamesbvaughan 5 hours ago | 45 comments | ??? ???
  4. Europe is in danger of regulating its tech market out of existence (foreignpolicy.com)
    ×5.03 #25 | 207 points by paulpauper 8 hours ago | 386 comments | ??? ???
  5. Guish: Write shell pipelines at the command line with a GUI editor (github.com/williamcotton)
    ×2.03 #3 | 11 points by thunderbong 1 hour ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  6. Funtoo Linux is shutting down (funtoo.org)
    ×1.83 #28 | 87 points by DaSHacka 6 hours ago | 41 comments | ??? ???
  7. How Large Language Models Will Disrupt Data Management [pdf] (vldb.org)
    ×1.53 #7 | 27 points by mfiguiere 2 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  8. Mastering Ruby Code Navigation: Ruby LSP Enhancements in the First Half of 2024 (railsatscale.com)
    ×1.29 #4 | 38 points by ksec 3 hours ago | 9 comments | ??? ???
  9. TOTP tokens on my wrist with the smartest dumb watch (singleton.io)
    ×2.70 #15 | 74 points by alexmolas 5 hours ago | 7 comments | ??? ???
  10. Introduction to Machine Learning Interviews Book (huyenchip.com)
    ×2.00 #5 | 35 points by ibobev 3 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  11. Bayesian Statistics: The three cultures (columbia.edu)
    ×1.22 #6 | 214 points by luu 10 hours ago | 85 comments | ??? ???
  12. GCVR (YC W22) Is Hiring Lead Back End Engineer (Sr/Staff/Principal) (ycombinator.com)
    2 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  13. Intel confirms no recall for Raptor Lake CPUs,microcode won't fix affected units (videocardz.com)
    ×4.19 #38 | 68 points by josephcsible 5 hours ago | 47 comments | ??? ???
  14. MIT 11.350: Sustainable Real Estate (mit.edu)
    ×1.33 #24 | 63 points by mdp2021 5 hours ago | 96 comments | ??? ???
  15. Advanced Linux Programming [pdf] (agabroward.org)
    ×3.69 | 11 points by ibobev 1 hour ago | discuss | ??? ???
  16. Why does the chromaticity diagram look like that? (jlongster.com)
    ×1.76 #10 | 162 points by samwillis 9 hours ago | 50 comments | ??? ???
  17. Zen 5's 2-ahead branch predictor: how a 30 year old idea allows for new tricks (chipsandcheese.com)
    ×1.91 #8 | 152 points by matt_d 9 hours ago | 63 comments | ??? ???
  18. Stripe acquires Lemon Squeezy (lemonsqueezy.com)
    ×3.19 #33 | 208 points by drecoe 11 hours ago | 129 comments | ??? ???
  19. Crooks Bypassed Google's Email Verification to Create Workspace Accounts, Acces (krebsonsecurity.com)
    ×1.53 #9 | 70 points by todsacerdoti 6 hours ago | 22 comments | ??? ???
  20. The New Internet (tailscale.com)
    ×3.45 #11 | 135 points by ingve 9 hours ago | 60 comments | ??? ???
  21. Apex Surplus – A movie industry props and parts source (apexsurplus.com)
    ×1.00 #22 | 53 points by jensgk 5 hours ago | 21 comments | ??? ???
  22. Call the compiler, fax it your code [video] (youtube.com)
    ×1.23 #31 | 139 points by ayoreis 10 hours ago | 35 comments | ??? ???
  23. Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650M checks (eieio.games)
    ×3.39 #42 | 174 points by todsacerdoti 11 hours ago | 43 comments | ??? ???
  24. Monumental proof settles geometric Langlands conjecture (quantamagazine.org)
    ×1.30 #14 | 132 points by jandrewrogers 10 hours ago | 13 comments | ??? ???
  25. A Swiss town banned billboards. Zurich, Bern may soon follow (bloomberg.com)
    ×4.98 #62 | 587 points by toomuchtodo 23 hours ago | 539 comments | ??? ???
  26. US only country where developers' salary cannot be expensed the same year (twitter.com/GergelyOrosz)
    ×5.15 #54 | 42 points by delichon 5 hours ago | 35 comments | ??? ???
  27. Repulsive Shells [video] (youtube.com)
    ×1.27 #16 | 103 points by RafelMri 10 hours ago | 17 comments | ??? ???
  28. Show HN: Patchwork – Open-source framework to automate development gruntwork (github.com/patched-codes)
    ×1.02 #19 | 57 points by rohansood15 7 hours ago | 8 comments | ??? ???
  29. A simple procedural animation technique [video] (youtube.com)
    ×1.30 #21 | 102 points by Meleagris 10 hours ago | 12 comments | ??? ???
  30. AI solves International Math Olympiad problems at silver medal level (deepmind.google)
    ×4.89 #59 | 1317 points by ocfnash 1 day ago | 505 comments | ??? ???
  31. Show HN: Ray Tracing in One Weekend v4.0.0 (raytracing.github.io)
    ×2.34 #51 | 44 points by hollasch 6 hours ago | 3 comments | ??? ???
  32. Things I said as a manager part 2: Hiring is emotional (reactiverobot.com)
    ×1.89 #78 | 34 points by reactiverobot 5 hours ago | 42 comments | ??? ???
  33. Paper Cuttings Made by 17th-Century Schoolgirls Discovered Beneath Floorboards (smithsonianmag.com)
    ×1.31 #13 | 10 points by benbreen 2 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  34. Skip and Arc'teryx built a futuristic exoskeleton (fastcompany.com)
    ×1.85 #68 | 100 points by coderintherye 11 hours ago | 36 comments | ??? ???
  35. Beyond Clean Code (tobeva.com)
    ×1.65 #71 | 62 points by pbw 8 hours ago | 43 comments | ??? ???
  36. Finding a random seed that solves a LeetCode problem (2023) (mcognetta.github.io)
    ×0.90 #29 | 75 points by mcyc 10 hours ago | 21 comments | ??? ???
  37. Counting bytes faster than you'd think possible (mattstuchlik.com)
    ×1.57 #27 | 101 points by asicsp 12 hours ago | 20 comments | ??? ???
  38. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (sysprog21.github.io)
    ×1.64 #17 | 6 points by wrycoder 1 hour ago | discuss | ??? ???
  39. Where should visual programming go? (tonsky.me)
    ×1.51 #49 | 66 points by spiralganglion 10 hours ago | 63 comments | ??? ???
  40. Deep Learning Interviews (2021) (arxiv.org)
    ×1.16 #20 | 27 points by ibobev 6 hours ago | 4 comments | ??? ???
  41. How Mihoyo's monetization works (moonbearmusings.com)
    ×1.75 #81 | 78 points by future10se 11 hours ago | 45 comments | ??? ???
  42. How to optimize a CUDA matmul kernel for cuBLAS-like performance (2022) (siboehm.com)
    ×1.25 #40 | 94 points by mpweiher 13 hours ago | 23 comments | ??? ???
  43. Anyone can access deleted and private repository data on GitHub (trufflesecurity.com)
    ×7.45 | 1935 points by __0x1__ 2 days ago | 364 comments | ??? ???
  44. Alexandre Grothendieck, The New Universal Church (1971) [pdf] (uwo.ca)
    ×1.08 #26 | 75 points by vinnyvichy 12 hours ago | 35 comments | ??? ???
  45. France high-speed rail traffic disrupted by 'malicious acts' on Olympic ceremony (lemonde.fr)
    ×4.10 #73 | 170 points by Kuinox 19 hours ago | 470 comments | ??? ???
  46. Captain Beefheart's 10 Commandments of Guitar Playing (1996) (wfmu.org)
    ×1.60 #66 | 70 points by ohjeez 12 hours ago | 56 comments | ??? ???
  47. Node.js adds experimental support for TypeScript (github.com/nodejs)
    ×4.53 | 1169 points by magnio 2 days ago | 541 comments | ??? ???
  48. Show HN: Haystack – an IDE for exploring and editing code on an infinite canvas (haystackeditor.com)
    ×2.51 #74 | 501 points by akshaysg 1 day ago | 188 comments | ??? ???
  49. Every company should be owned by its employees (elysian.press)
    ×5.99 | 937 points by ellegriffin 1 day ago | 1019 comments | ??? ???
  50. Driving Compilers (fabiensanglard.net)
    ×1.73 #23 | 13 points by ibobev 4 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  51. The Many Lives of Null Island (stamen.com)
    ×1.33 #32 | 79 points by sebg 14 hours ago | 14 comments | ??? ???
  52. Is the nervous system a democracy? (2016) (scientificamerican.com)
    ×0.67 #34 | 26 points by kawera 7 hours ago | 11 comments | ??? ???
  53. Reverse Engineering for Everyone (0xinfection.github.io)
    ×2.81 | 576 points by udev4096 1 day ago | 65 comments | ??? ???
  54. Windows 11 will soon add your Android phone to File Explorer (theverge.com)
    ×2.02 | 3 points by thunderbong 1 hour ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  55. FCC liability for radio pirates operating on your property (jdsupra.com)
    ×1.43 #79 | 48 points by nativeit 11 hours ago | 50 comments | ??? ???
  56. The Kids Online Safety Act and the Tyranny of Laziness (techdirt.com)
    ×2.08 #63 | 12 points by WarOnPrivacy 5 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  57. Why can't I stop eating? (gabe.rocks)
    ×1.94 | 3 points by paulnpace 1 hour ago | discuss | ??? ???
  58. Waymo has completed 2M paid rider-only trips (twitter.com/Waymo)
    ×2.74 #87 | 27 points by ra7 9 hours ago | 10 comments | ??? ???
  59. Show HN: Wat – Deep inspection of Python objects (github.com/igrek51)
    ×1.88 #89 | 363 points by igrek51 1 day ago | 88 comments | ??? ???
  60. OpenAI Announces SearchGPT (chatgpt.com)
    ×5.99 | 320 points by notyouralias 1 day ago | 186 comments | ??? ???
  61. Open source AI is the path forward (fb.com)
    ×8.48 | 2331 points by atgctg 3 days ago | 886 comments | ??? ???
  62. Jacek Karpińśki, the computer genius the communists couldn't stand (2017) (culture.pl)
    ×2.06 | 300 points by janisz 1 day ago | 134 comments | ??? ???
  63. B-1B crash result of pilot error and 'culture of noncompliance' (taskandpurpose.com)
    ×2.58 #70 | 13 points by ilamont 6 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  64. Mapping Hacker News to find who knows what in the HN community (wilsonl.in)
    ×3.22 | 356 points by robg 1 day ago | 206 comments | ??? ???
  65. Memory for music doesn't diminish with age (nature.com)
    ×1.04 #35 | 51 points by gnabgib 14 hours ago | 16 comments | ??? ???
  66. A hash table by any other name (lwn.net)
    ×1.28 #36 | 105 points by signa11 20 hours ago | 25 comments | ??? ???
  67. Investigating corrupt Winamp skins (jordaneldredge.com)
    ×2.71 #83 | 581 points by treve 1 day ago | 137 comments | ??? ???
  68. Unfashionably secure: why we use isolated VMs (thinkst.com)
    ×2.06 | 294 points by mh_ 1 day ago | 234 comments | ??? ???
  69. Treescope: Interactive HTML visualization library for Python neural networks (github.com/google-deepmind)
    ×0.86 #41 | 52 points by zerojames 15 hours ago | 6 comments | ??? ???
  70. AI crawlers need to be more respectful (readthedocs.com)
    ×3.66 | 219 points by pneff 1 day ago | 111 comments | ??? ???
  71. Ability to Access Your Android Phone in File Explorer for Windows Insiders (windows.com)
    ×1.38 #77 | 24 points by thesuperbigfrog 10 hours ago | 18 comments | ??? ???
  72. Launch HN: Undermind (YC S24) – AI agent for discovering scientific papers
    ×1.32 #82 | 276 points by jramette 1 day ago | 120 comments | ??? ???
  73. Apple Maps on the web launches in beta (apple.com)
    ×3.23 | 443 points by ingve 1 day ago | 516 comments | ??? ???
  74. Lying with Statistics: How Economists Just Make Stuff Up [video] (youtube.com)
    ×1.26 #69 | 4 points by iscream26 3 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  75. Lost by Schoolgirls: A display of 17th century papercuts (nationaltrust.org.uk)
    ×1.04 #45 | 78 points by geox 20 hours ago | 20 comments | ??? ???
  76. Generating sudokus for fun and no profit (tn1ck.com)
    ×1.85 | 342 points by todsacerdoti 2 days ago | 64 comments | ??? ???
  77. Startup Finance for Founders – Part I, Accounting (2016) (rein.pk)
    ×2.06 #47 | 167 points by sebg 1 day ago | 17 comments | ??? ???
  78. 'Primed to Burn:' Former Parks Canada Scientist Fears for Banff (calgaryherald.com)
    ×1.84 #86 | 4 points by voisin 3 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  79. ACM Profits Considered Harmful (acm.org)
    ×2.42 #84 | 15 points by lang_agnostic 8 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  80. "Copyright traps" could tell writers if an AI has scraped their work (technologyreview.com)
    ×2.05 | 6 points by mrtedbear 4 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  81. My Favorite Algorithm: Linear Time Median Finding (2018) (rcoh.me)
    ×1.69 | 353 points by skanderbm 1 day ago | 169 comments | ??? ???
  82. Understanding Performance Implications of Storage-Disaggregated Databases (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
    ×0.72 #48 | 11 points by jandrewrogers 7 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  83. CrowdStrike's CEO Has Known Failure–But Never Like This (wsj.com)
    ×1.66 | 3 points by stanrivers 2 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  84. Notes on Remitting Stripe Tax to the UK and EU (svbtle.com)
    ×1.50 #60 | 18 points by tppiotrowski 9 hours ago | 2 comments | ??? ???
  85. CrowdStrike will be liable for damages in France, based on the OVH precedent (thehftguy.com)
    ×4.04 | 324 points by charlieirish 1 day ago | 275 comments | ??? ???
  86. Linux Network Performance Ultimate Guide (ntk148v.github.io)
    ×1.69 | 3 points by bratao 2 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  87. Von der Leyen gives nod to €100B 'CERN for AI' proposal (euractiv.com)
    ×1.75 | 3 points by khaled_ismaeel 2 hours ago | discuss | ??? ???
  88. How much of your binary executable is just ASCII text? (lemire.me)
    ×2.08 | 4 points by NavinF 3 hours ago | 1 comments | ??? ???
  89. Why Levittown didn't revolutionize homebuilding (construction-physics.com)
    ×0.89 #37 | 66 points by sien 19 hours ago | 140 comments | ??? ???
  90. A Clone of Deluxe Paint II Written in Python (github.com/mriale)
    ×1.35 #85 | 167 points by luismedel 1 day ago | 50 comments | ??? ???